Simplify Case Management

SureView Cases is the flexible investigations and records management platform for Security Operations Teams. It’s open software architecture make it uniquely adaptable to any organization.

SureView Teal ArrowIntroducing SureView Cases

Cases is the first platform to connect and share vital event information between operations and investigators delivering operational efficiency through integration and situational awareness for anyone in the team. Delivered as a service (SaaS) teams can be fully operational in days.

  • Connect SOC Operations and Investigations teams
  • Flexible design adapts to any organization or workflow
  • Open API to share data with enterprise back office systems
  • Automate compliance and reporting
SureView Cases - Dashboard
Create interactive dashboards that focus on the information that is critical to your operation
SureView Cases
Build your own record templates to capture the information that is unique to your workflow and organization

SureView Teal ArrowHow it works

It all starts with a record. A record can be anything, it could be a service ticket, a record of a slip and fall, a report of loitering in the lobby, a report from an employee of a suspicious incident or person, vehicle damage—the options are endless. 

It’s Easy to Get Started

Cases is offered as a SaaS (Software as a Service) allowing security leaders to embark on a large project without completely overhauling their operation. It’s a hosted service, offered on a free-30-day-trial, and can be operational within a week

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